Friday, February 26, 2010

The Green Mile

Not an activist or environmentalist allows me some latitude to opine.
As I see it, going Green is a grass roots movement.

Allow me to elaborate; throughout history it has been the Exxon’s and Dow Chemicals of the world that conclude it’s less costly to drag out issues through litigation, eventually paying minuscule fines, in lieu of the responsible proactive approach; the avoidance of creating an environmental disaster.

It became abundantly clear to me while writing “The Stack Paradox”, ,

the intensity of frustration among an increasing number of the people has exceeded their breaking point.

The commonality of the masses considered last in a long line of priorities has reached the tipping point.

We the people can not crash planes into structures nor continue to bulldoze our 'under water' homes due to the lack of a viable alternative.

The true measure of any grass roots movement, is building from the beginning.

A bottoms-up approach seems logical, therefore a little financial redirection of consumer funds from the mega corporations to small & upstart businesses may accomplish a 'planting of seeds' towards an economic recovery.

Incidentally, Big Business has choosen to replace the human element with that of the machine variety. Great for profits and Board Room Bonuses; not great for generating Jobs which fuel Tax revenue.

Here’s what I came up with while researching the Green Industry.
Technologically, some fascinating strives have been accomplished in the traditionally Toxic chemical field.

I will not even attempt to explain the scientific particulars but a can express my reason of enchantment. It’s an industry in its infancy with plenty of growth potential using Natural Science as the foundation.

Never being one to recommend Penny Stocks, this certainly is no exception…
except, what a story if it plays out as if it appears it should.
Other than listed as a Pink sheet;

The back-story and upside potential should make a long shot investor perk up.
Green Earth Technologies (GETG.PK) goes for about a quarter a share.

Personally, my true enchantment is to see the inception of a Bullet Train, MAGLEV to be specific. “cause I gotta tell ya, flying is less and less attractive…

Green Earth Technologies prides itself on its perfect three zero. This means that all GET products pose no health risks to its handlers, is not flammable, has no detrimental reactivity with other chemicals and poses absolutely NO health threat.

Note: According to the NFPA the degree of health hazard of a material should indicate the degree of personal protective equipment required for working safely with the material - “0” is harmless...We put our hazard rating on all of our packaging…ever wonder why others don’t?

• NBC nightly news recently ran a series on the “Greening of America”.

Green Earth Technologies, products are made entirely from American Grown Base Oils that now puts the power of patent pending nanotechnology (doing more with less) and dehydrogenation into the hands of environmentally concerned consumers everywhere.

The question has been asked as to why Green Earth chose animal fat as a starting material rather than a vegetable oil.

The answer is that once the fat has been processed to make the G-OIL biological base material, there is a resulting mixture of fatty acids rich in heavy materials with a longer carbon chain length, which lack the oxidation and temperature sensitive double bonds found in plant oils.


According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, over 40% of our nation’s oil pollution comes from the improper disposal of used motor oil by Do-It-Yourselfers.

One five quart oil change improperly disposed can:

•create an oil slick on the surface of ten acres (about ½ million square feet),
•render five acres (about ¼ million square feet) unusable for planting for decades,
•and, contaminate one million gallons (a year supply for 50 people) of water.

Ultimate Biodegradable (ASTM Standard’s highest available ranking) and environmentally safe


Crude Oil
(Domestic and Foreign)

Crude oil contains hundreds of different types of hydrocarbons with different number of Carbons all mixed together (C4-C80).

You have to separate the different types of hydrocarbons to have anything useful.

If Oil for lubrication of motors (C-16-C20) contains hydrocarbons with a few Carbons (C4-C8) it would burn at low temperatures and cause a fire in the engine.

Different hydrocarbon containing increased number of Carbons in their chain length all have progressive higher boiling points so separation into motor oil and other useful materials is accomplished by distillation.

CNBC - Power Lunch Nano-Balls make it Green! An eco-friendly alternative to harsh soaps and detergents, with Jeff Marshall, Green Earth Tech here to view the video on•

Plant Oils & Animal Fats

The form of most plant oils and animal fats exist in food is Triglycerides.

Even the human body has Triglycerides and it is measured in your blood as part of the total cholesterol.

However, unlike Crude Oil, with 4 to 80 carbons, Fatty Acids naturally, without need for separation, mostly contains the correct number of Carbons needed (C16-C20) for a feedstock for oil to lubricate motors.

Safety Information: Are GET Products Safe?

GET products are totally safe for you, your family, around your pets and the environment.

There are no adverse effects evident through swallowing, skin absorption, eye contact or inhalation.

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